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About Us

Our Beliefs

The Disciples of Christ believe that when two or more are gathered in Jesus' name, communion will be shared. This means that during worship and other services, the Lord's Supper is celebrated. All who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior may partake of the elements. 


We are the oldest denomination formed on American soil. Our founders and present leaders seek unity to heal the divisions within the fellowship of the Body of Christ. From its beginning, our church has sought to be a place where people have the freedom to ask questions and where people of diverse backgrounds are welcomed around the table of the Lord. 


We claim that the Bible is where God's love for us is revealed and where we learn of God's call upon our lives to serve. We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the Living God and claim him as our Lord and Savior. 


We practice baptism among those of an age to claim their faith and we baptize by full immersion. 

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Adel First Christian Church was organized May 2, 1847 and is the oldest church in Dallas County, Iowa. Although it began in a little log cabin just outside of town, it moved to our current location in 1868 and now enjoys a central location that is easily accessible to the families of Adel and the surrounding communities. ​The actual church building has been built, rebuilt, remodeled, and expanded many times. ​


The history of the church details the growing pains of the early church, challenges and solutions to changing times, and perseverance of the Spirit with the congregation. First Christian Church is proud of its long history and looks forward to providing a place for worship and spiritual growth for each new generation. 

Disciples of Christ Identity Statement

We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the one body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord's Table as God has welcomed us. 

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